Transfer Stations and Illegal Dumping

Information about transfer station locations, operating hours, and illegal dumping. For information about kerbside hard waste collections, please visit the Bins, Rubbish and Hard Waste Collection webpage.

For a full list of charges and items accepted free, and also information on tip locations and opening times you may also download the Transfer Station Information Guide.(PDF, 880KB)

Transfer Stations

Transfer Stations Locations and Contacts

Baw Baw Shire Council operates four transfer stations, which are managed by Future Recycling to service our residents. General enquiries should be directed to Future Recycling on 13 RECYCLING (13 732925464).

Lardner Transfer Station

Simpson Road, Lardner
Phone: 5626 1399
Operating times: 10.00am - 4.00pm every day

Trafalgar Transfer Station

Giles Road, Trafalgar
Phone: 0407 505 108
Operating times: 10.00am - 4.00pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Neerim South Transfer Station

Neerim East Road, Neerim South
Phone: 0438 281 444
Operating times: 10.00 am - 4.00pm on Friday and Sunday

Erica Transfer Station

Mathiesons Road, Erica
Phone: 0400 251 620
Operating times: 12.00pm - 4.00pm on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday

The transfer stations are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day and Good Friday.

You can deposit up to three cubic metres of rubbish at our transfer stations. Disposal fees vary depending on the type and quantity of rubbish you are disposing. 

Our transfer stations are not available for commercial operators and do not accept builders waste (bricks, concrete, soil, etc).

You must secure your load before visiting the tip as a penalty under the Environment Protection Act 1970 will apply for litter generated from your vehicle.

New Glass Separation Bins at Lardner and Trafalgar 

Council has recently installed glass separation skip bins at the Lardner and Trafalgar Transfer Stations, allowing residents to dispose of their glass in a practical and effective way. 

The glass separation bins will improve the quality of glass collected and reduce glass breakage contaminating other recyclables in the commingled recycling bins. The new skip bins will also allow bulk transport of the glass to our processors, and future separation of specific glass colours in the bin compartments to individual processors.  

For assistance in disposing of your glass or any other items, the transfer station staff will be very happy to help. 

Disposable Items

Paint tins (but not chemical containers) are accepted at each of our transfer stations at very nominal fees. Empty paint tins are free.

Mattresses are accepted for a fee of $28.60 for single and $41.60 for double/queen/king size. Mattress bases are also accepted for a fee of $28.60 for single and $41.60 for double/queen/king size.

A list of items that can be recycled and deposited free of charge at our tips is included in our Transfer Station Information Guide which is available from our customer service centre, at the transfer stations, or can be mailed out upon request.

Separate your Recyclables to Reduce your Costs

Most recyclables can be deposited free of charge at our transfer stations (except green organics). Your costs can be reduced significantly by separating your recyclables from other waste – place your recyclables in individual containers separate from your other waste (or clearly separate them in your load). This makes it much easier for the transfer station staff to assess your load and charge only for your waste. 

Disposal of Asbestos and Contaminated Soils

Asbestos is not accepted at our tips. For more information about disposal of Asbestos in your area, visit the Environmental Protection Authority website or call 1300 372 842.

Asbestos in Victoria is a comprehensive resource to help you understand the risks of asbestos, and how to safely manage or remove it.

For more information about disposal of contaminated soils, contact Gippsland Water on 1800 050 500.

Hard Waste

A free annual "at call" kerbside hard waste collection service or free transfer stations drop off is available to residents . This service replaced the hard waste vouchers previously issued with rates notices.
For more information click here. 

Illegal Dumping

Illegal rubbish dumping is costing Baw Baw Shire ratepayers a significant amount each year. This cost is increasing annually.  

Illegal dumping is irresponsible, wasteful and harmful to our environment. Dumped rubbish allows rust, rot and toxic chemicals to enter our environment damaging native plants, animals and their habitats as well as polluting our waterways.

Baw Baw Shire Council is working the Victorian Government to prevent illegal dumping and keep Baw Baw beautiful.

What is Council doing to tackle the issue?

Baw Baw Shire Council has teamed up with Sustainability Victoria to install CCTV cameras at six green space illegal dumping hotspots to help combat the crime.

The cameras are in various hotspot sites around Drouin, Longwarry and Nilma.

The surveillance will also be accompanied with new signage and an educational program.

The $20,000 project has been jointly funded by a $10,000 grant from Sustainability Victoria’s Litter and Illegal Dumping Grants program and a matched contribution from Council’s Capital Works budget.

Council officers will monitor CCTV footage, patrol hotspots and work with local Police where necessary to investigate and enforce illegal dumping.

The project aims to deter people from illegally dumping rubbish through surveillance, assist community in disposal services and set a precedence that Council will not tolerate illegal dumping.

How is Council supporting the community to dispose of their waste?

Council offers all residents a free annual pick up of up to two cubic metres of acceptable hard rubbish. Many items are also accepted for free at the Transfer Stations.

If you are aware of illegal dumping

If you are aware of illegal dumping, please contact Baw Baw Shire Council on 5624 2411 or report it to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) or via

Waste Disposal for Charity and Community Groups

Council has implemented a new guideline for the way we handle waste disposal for Charity and Community Groups at our transfer stations, to commence from 1 July 2024.

Groups are now required to submit an application form to Council each financial year to be considered for an allowance of free disposal at our transfer stations for the coming year.

If you would like to be considered for free waste disposal in the 2024/25 financial year, please complete an application form (form available online or at Council’s Customer Service Centres).

On the application you will need to tell us what type of waste you would like to dispose of, as well as the estimated volume and disposal frequency during the financial year, which will help us to manage our waste budget each year.

Applications are to be submitted to Council by 31 May 2024, following which applications will be evaluated and advice provided in June of the outcome. If successful, Groups will be advised of the allowance provided for the coming financial year.

The previous process where a Charity or Community Group was added permanently to Council’s Charity Allowance List will be no longer applicable, and the current list will be invalid after 30 June 2024.

A new list with approved groups will be provided to our Transfer Stations Contractor effective from 1 July 2024.

The new process also allows groups to submit an application to Council during the financial year and if successful, they will be added to the Charity Allowance List.

A Fact Sheet(PDF, 46KB) has been prepared to assist Groups in sorting their waste prior to taking it to the transfer station.

For any queries regarding the new process, please contact Council’s Waste team by emailing or telephone 1300 229 229.