Civic Events Baw Baw Shire Council facilitates many Civic events within the Shire throughout the year. Civic events include Australia Day, Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and Citizenship Ceremonies.
Community Health and Wellbeing The purpose of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is to define the health priorities in Baw Baw over the next four years, and to identify the many organisations who are committed to leading actions for better health.
Connecting Communities Through Spaces Learn how Baw Baw Shire Council supports and connects local communities through the Community Hubs Strategy by optimising the use of public spaces.
Council Property and Land Information on council property, and leasing or licensing a council facility or Council land.
Food Relief Any person or family can find themselves facing times of hardship and emergency through no fault of their own. In these times, people in Baw Baw can get help from experienced services that know how to help, and that can assist in a variety of ways.
Groups and Committees Get involved in community groups, environmental groups or committees and associations.
Sporting Clubs and Recreation Facilities Information about local sports clubs and management of recreation reserves and public halls.