As part of Council's commitment to Good Governance, Council will provide opportunities for community members to engage directly in Council Meetings.
There are many ways that you can participate in a Council Meeting, such as:
Council's Governance Rules govern public participation in Council Meetings.
If you have any questions or would like support with your participation in a Council meeting, or if you would like to register to make a verbal submission online, please contact Council's Governance Team on 1300 229 229 or email us on

Members of the public are encouraged to attend Council meetings and observe quietly from the Gallery. Meeting times alternate between a 5:30pm start (second Wednesday of each month) and a 1:00pm start (fourth Wednesday of each month).
Those wishing to make a submission are encouraged to arrive 30 minutes prior to the meeting to ensure a prompt start. The doors to the meeting open 10 minutes before the meeting commences.

Questions on Notice is an opportunity for community members to ask up to 5 questions to clarify strategic, policy or any other appropriate matter that may not be on the Council agenda. The objective of Questions on Notice is to assist Council to remain accountable to the community.
Questions are asked to Council, not to individual Councillors or to the administration. Questions submitted to Council must be received in hard copy 48 hours prior to the Council Meeting and clearly state the sender's name and address.
If the sender is in attendance at the meeting, the questions and answers will be read aloud by the Chair and presented to the sender in hard copy form.
Questions can be submitted via email to

Community members are invited to engage with Council during Community Participation Time at Council Meetings in the form of submissions.
Submissions can be made on any agenda item at the meeting:
- Verbally, in person
- Verbally, online
- Written, either in hard copy or electronically, using Council's submission form below
Those who wish to submit in person must sign the submission register to indicate which agenda they wish to speak to. The register is available in the foyer of the Fountain Room from 12:30pm - 12:55pm (1:00pm meetings) and from 5:00pm - 5:25pm (5:30pm meetings).
Submitters will have up to 3 minutes to speak to an item on the agenda and Councillors may choose to ask clarifying questions. Community members with submissions on multiple items have up to 5 minutes to speak on all items.
Electronic/written submissions can be made on any item on the agenda. A submission form is made available below when the Council meeting agenda is published until 48 hours prior to the meeting start time. If the form is not available, the cut off time has passed.
Click here to make a Submission.
If you have any questions or would like support with your participation in a Council meeting, or if you would like to register to make a verbal submission online, please contact Council's Governance Team on 1300 229 229 or email us on

Petitions are a great way for our community to have their concerns heard by Council and ask for action to be taken.
A petition or joint letter must:
- Be in legible and permanent writing or typed;
- Contain the request of the petitioners;
- Be signed by at least 12 signatories; and,
- Be submitted to Council no later than 1:00pm the day prior to the Council meeting.
Electronic Petitions
Community members are encouraged to submit electronic petitions generated by the webform below.
Petitions can be created and signed using this form and the web link can be circulated to other signatories.
Electronic petitions are reviewed by the Governance Team to ensure they align with Council's Governance Rules before being approved. If you create a submission, it will not appear available for signing until it has been reviewed.
For rules and information relating to public participation, please refer to section 62, 63 and 64 of Council's Governance Rules.
Click here to Sign a Petition or Click here to Create a Petition