Capital Works Program


The Capital Works Program is part of Council's Long Term Infrastructure Plan 2024-2034.  It lists the capital works projects that will be carried out during the 2024/25 financial year.

The Long Term Infrastructure Plan outlines the infrastructure programs and projects planned for delivery by Council over the next ten years. The overarching objective of the Long Term Long Term Infrastructure Plan is to provide the right infrastructure, at the right time, in the right places, and in a way that represents best value for money and sustainable use of resources.

This financial year will see $41.2 million of exciting community projects across the Shire.

See below for more about the key projects being planned, designed, and delivered.

Click here to download the Long Term Infrastructure Plan in full(PDF, 3MB)

To view a summary of this year's projects, please download the Fact Sheet(PDF, 4MB)

What's planned for the year ahead?

This year will see major streetscaping, road upgrades, refurbished playgrounds, and Council buildings, tree planting, public lighting renewal, toilet block and footpath upgrades and so much more.

Through the delivery of major road works, playground renewals, community facility upgrades, open space improvements and more, Council will continue to invest in projects that make Baw Baw a healthy, sustainable, and thriving community for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.

While these exciting projects are being delivered on the ground, Council is also laying down the markers for its next stage of major infrastructure projects; by following an approach that will plan, design, and deliver a healthy, thriving, and sustainable future for Baw Baw Shire.

The Plan, Design, Deliver Approach

To enable Council to continue delivering an ongoing series of high impact projects, the organisation has adopted a plan, design and deliver approach, which allows the continued delivery of significant strategic projects and undertake planning and design work for upcoming projects at the same time.

Through the 2024/25 Annual Budget(PDF, 13MB) and Long-Term Infrastructure Plan, Council will continue delivering for now, and planning for the future.

Projects being delivered

Drouin Recreation Reserve Oval Redevelopment - $3.6 million

The oval at Drouin Recreation Reserve will receive a major overhaul, that will service and benefit a large number of sporting groups across the Shire. 

Rokeby to Noojee Trail – Stage Two - $2.1 million

Works to upgrade the Rokeby-Noojee Trail continue with the next stage set to get underway soon! 

The project aims to transform the popular recreational destination into a major tourist drawcard and provide an economic boost to the region. 

Copelands Road, Warragul upgrade - $2.05 million

Copelands Road, Warragul will benefit from major roadworks as part of Council's Road Reconstruction Program. The upgrades are proposed to commence in late 2024 and are expected to take approximately 12 months to complete.

Rollo Street Masterplan Project, Yarragon - $1 million

The delivery of the Rollo Street Masterplan will transform the site of the old Yarragon Primary School into a valuable community open space with a shared loop path, shelter, park furniture, interactive play area, informative signage, artwork, raised garden beds and the planting of new trees.

Warragul Streetscape Works (Queen Street) - $1.2 million (total project cost $1.65 million)

Streetscape improvement works will take place from Mason Street to Gladstone Street, including replacing the trees between Victoria and Mason Streets. The works will kick off at the end of 2024 and are expected to be finished in the first half of 2025.

Dowton Park Pavilion Upgrade, Yarragon - $1.3 million

Upgrade of the existing pavilion to a modern, compliant and fit for purpose space. Construction will commence later in 2024 with works planned for completion by early 2026.

Projects being designed

Through an expanded forward design program, Council is preparing for its next phase of major infrastructure projects.

The design program includes the Baw Baw Cultural Connection Precinct, Library & Learning Centre Stage 1, and Lighting renewal upgrades across both indoor and outdoor facilities

Projects being planned

While delivering $41.2 million of infrastructure this financial year, Council is laying down markers that will help ensure a healthy, thriving, and sustainable Baw Baw for years to come.

Council will begin development of plans for the 2025/26 Road Resealing Program.

Council is also planning for the rollout and implementation of the Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) waste service in 2026.

Capital Works and Renewal Programs

Through its capital works and renewal programs, Council will improve infrastructure used by the community every day. With a variety of projects, including road upgrades, streetscapes, open spaces, community facilities and much more, residents all over the Shire will see the benefits of 2024/25 Budget and Long-Term Infrastructure Plan. 

Headlining the Long Term Infrastructure Program is a suite of high-value strategic and renewal projects, including:

  • $12.50 million for road projects across the Shire, including $2.05 million for upgrades to Copelands Road, Warragul
  • $6.04 million for pathways projects, including $2.1 million for the continuation of Stage One of the Rokeby - Noojee Trail
  • $3.60 million for the reconstruction of the Drouin Recreation Reserve Playing Oval
  • $1.30 million for upgrades to the Dowton Park Pavilion, Yarragon
  • $1.00 million for the delivery of the Rollo Street Master Plan, Yarragon

For the full list of projects included in the Long-Term Infrastructure Plan please click here(PDF, 3MB) to download a copy.