Urban Design Framework – Trafalgar, Neerim South and Longwarry
What is an urban design framework?
An Urban Design Framework (UDF) is a document which provides a strategically justified plan for how an area will develop and change over time in physical terms. It includes things like building heights, new street tree plantings, town entrances and pedestrian path improvements.
A UDF enables everyone (e.g. community groups, Council departments, government agencies, local developers) to follow the same plan. From community feedback and existing feedback from the Settlement Management Plan we have developed Key Directions for Longwarry, Trafalgar and Neerim South commercial areas and a plan on how we might achieve it.
The UDFs’ recommendations for the development in the three town centres have resulted in three new Design and Development Overlays in the Baw Baw Planning Scheme:
DDO3 – Trafalgar Town Centre
DDO10 – Neerim South Town Centre
DDO11 – Longwarry Town Centre
Key Directions

The key directions are:
- Improve legibility and pedestrian access to train station.
- Recognise opportunities for Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) initiatives in the public realm.
- Improve the pedestrian environment and links throughout study area.
- Encourage infill development at vacant land parcels in study areas.
- Define opportunities and roles for northern and southern commercial precincts.
Neerim South

The Key Directions are:
- Upgrade and enhance the tourism node at the town centre.
- Improve the ease and safety of movement of both vehicles and pedestrians.
- Expand the commercial core to west.
- Enhance and establish new community uses and event spaces to the north.
- Establish a series of small rest stops/plazas through the town centre.

The Key Directions are:
- Activate and enhance the Council owned car park spine through the town centre.
- Improve pedestrian and vehicle access to Trafalgar Station from Contingent Street & highway frontage.
- Implement design guidelines outlining preferred development potential for the future mixed-use precinct.
- Establish ‘green streets’ along key access routes to the town centre and incorporate public art.
- Establish a community corridor implementing strong pedestrian and cycle links to each node.
Adopted Documents
The Trafalgar(PDF, 13MB) and Neerim South(PDF, 8MB) UDF’s were adopted at the Ordinary 12 December 2018 Council Meeting.
The Longwarry UDF(PDF, 10MB) was adopted at the Ordinary 10 April 2019 Council Meeting.
For further enquiries please contact the Strategic and Community Planning Team by phone on 5624 2411 or by email.