Drouin Township Plan 2020-2036


The Drouin Township Plan 2020-2036(PDF, 13MB) has been adopted. It provides an updated strategic approach to projects and initiatives for Drouin over the coming years, reflecting the changing and growing needs and aspirations of the town and community.  

This Plan sets out a transformative vision for the future growth and development of Drouin. It identifies practical and actionable strategies to be able to accommodate population growth, while not losing the much-loved character and amenity of Drouin.

About the Drouin Township Plan 2020-2036

The primary focus of the Plan is the commercial Town Centre of Drouin (the Primary Area), however the Plan also considers broader residential and industrial areas, connections and development opportunities throughout the township and into new growth areas (Secondary and Tertiary Areas).

The Plan provides recommendations around four themes:

  • A thriving town centre with a broad mix of uses
  • New urban character that respects the past
  • Beautiful parks and plazas, tree lined streets and bustling laneways
  • A well connected and multi modal town

To learn more about the Plan, watch the following two-part video presentation:



This new Plan is an update to the Drouin Town Centre Strategy - 2010(PDF, 8MB) that reflects current issues, challenges and trends.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Township Plan?

Township Plans define Council’s preferred directions for future policy and strategy development within a town and articulate how growth will be managed.

Each town is unique and Councils work with their communities to determine how a town should grow, taking into account population trends, changing community needs and economic factors.

Township plans can guide changes to land use, built form, public spaces that together can aim to achieve a social, economic and environmental vision for the town.  

Why do we need a Township Plan?

Drouin has, and is predicted to continue to experience significant residential population growth.

The Township Plan will be an important strategic document to provide a clear framework for future development and identify opportunities to accommodate growth while maintaining and enhancing the local amenity and character that is highly valued by the Drouin community. 

How was the draft Plan prepared?

The draft Plan was developed through a collaborative process between Council, Tract Consultants, agency stakeholders and the community.  Key steps in the process have included:

  • Preparation of background technical reports on transport and economic analysis
  • Feedback through an initial round of consultation from the community via survey and community drop-in event, and meetings with agency stakeholders
  • Preparation of a background report identifying issues and opportunities
  • Transport focused workshop with Council officers, State government agency representatives and consultants

The draft Township Plan will be finalised following collation and consideration of feedback from the community.

How will the Plan be used?

The Township Plan is a long-term document that will be used by Council to guide decision making for the coming years, including project priorities, advocacy, budgeting and amendments to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme.

It is important for Councils to have a strategic document like a Township Plan so that there is a general vision for Drouin in the community. It also identifies strategies and actions to achieve the vision in collaboration with stakeholders, such as private landholders, State government agencies and the community.

How does the Plan fit with the Drouin Precinct Structure Plan?

The study area for the Drouin Township Plan covers the existing town and does not include the areas of Drouin affected by the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP).

The PSP documents developed in 2014 by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA, formerly MPA) guides use and development for the new growth areas.

The Township Plan considers issues and opportunities for Drouin more broadly and identifies strategies and actions for the Town Centre and existing township.  

Contact us

For more information, or to provide comments and feedback email Strategic Planning or call (03) 5624 2411.