Amendment C139 - Exhibited Documents

Before providing feedback on the proposed planning amendment, please refer to the Explanatory Report (click here to download the report(DOCX, 65KB)) and the exhibited documents contained in the drop down menus below.

Click here to return to the 'C139 – Planning Policy Framework translation and PEGZ' webpage. 

Zone Schedules

To see proposed changes to schedules to planning zones, please click below. Most of the changes are tracked on previous versions but there are two instances where it was too complicated to show all changes so only the finished versions were shown. If you wish to see the previous versions to be able to compare, you can find them in the existing planning scheme (see the link at the bottom). 

If you wish to be better informed regarding changes proposed for schedules to zones, especially rural zones’ schedules, please refer to the documents in the 'background documents' drop down menu below.

Overlay Schedules

To see proposed changes to schedules to planning overlays, please click below. Most of the changes have not been tracked for clarity purposes. If you wish to see the previous versions to be able to compare, you can find them in the existing planning scheme (see the link at the bottom).

Note that the changes to overlays do not include Schedules 1 and 2 to the Design and Development Overlay (DDO1 and DDO2). These two schedules have not been amended. 

If you wish to be better informed regarding changes proposed for schedules to overlays, especially for the Flooding Overlay, Land Subject to Inundation Overlay and Erosion Management Overlay, please refer to the background documents below.

Operational Provisions

Background Documents

Below are some of the documents that can help you understand the proposed changes. It is noted that not all recommendations have been implemented, but the documents give a good overall picture and explain the overall intent. 

To compare proposed Planning Scheme Clauses with the existing planning scheme, please visit DELWP's Baw Baw Planning Scheme website.