Information Requirements for a Planning Permit Application

To ensure that a planning permit application can be processed in the most efficient manner, it is essential that Council is provided with all the necessary information. This fact sheet provides general guidance about what information to include with your application; for detailed information about your particular application, please contact Council’s Planning Team on 5624 2411.

Certificate of Title' and 'Plan of Subdivision

You will need to provide a copy of the Certificate of Title and Plan of Subdivision for the subject site. You will also need to provide copies of any restriction(s) listed on the Certificate of Title. These documents must be obtained and dated within no more than three months prior to lodgement and are available from

Written Summary

You will need to provide a detailed cover letter summarising your proposal. This should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the purpose of the proposal and its intended uses.

Site Plans

You will need to provide a site plan. This is an impression of the subject site both currently and with the proposed development, taken from a bird’s-eye view, including the following detail:

  • all built form (i.e. dwellings, sheds, garages, driveways, etc)
  • all vegetation on the site
  • the dimensions of the site’s boundaries
  • the distance between all built form and the site’s boundaries
  • site levels (note: if the subject site is within the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay or Special Building Overlay, levels will need to be provided to Australian Height Datum)
  • location of neighbouring dwellings and associated buildings
  • any easements on the subject site
  • any proposed landscaping
  • any fencing
  • a north arrow.

Example site plans - existing and proposed


Bird's-eye view drawing of existing site, including outline of existing dwelling, tank, property boundary and drive way, with a north-pointing arrow Bird's-eye view drawing of proposed site, including outline of existing dwelling, proposed outbuilding and driveway extension, tank, property boundary and drive way, with a north-pointing arrow

Floor Plans

You will need to include floor plans, which need to show the internal layout of both the existing and proposed development, taken from a bird’s-eye view, and include the following detail:

  • the internal layout of all built form
  • the dimensions of all windows, external and internal walls
  • the purpose of each room notated
  • all finished floor levels.

Example of a floor plan

Bird's-eye view drawing of proposed floor plan, including measurements, doors and inner rooms and storage spaces

Elevation Plans

You will need to include detailed elevation plans which show the proposed and existing built form from all four sides and should including the following detail:

  • the floor and ceiling levels of the proposed development
  • the maximum wall and building height of the proposed built form above natural ground level
  • the maximum and minimum heights of any walls
  • the average heights of any walls along boundaries of the subject site
  • any proposed cut and/or fill dimensioned above or below natural ground level
  • a colour and materials schedule.


Front-on drawing of the proposed building, including height measurements of walls as well as roof peak, and dimensions of door

Side-on drawing of the proposed building, including height measurements of walls, roof and dimension of windows and doors, natural ground level and fill level.

Lodgement of planning permit application

As well as preparing the necessary documentation, you will need to complete and sign an Application for Planning Permit form. Your application can then be sent via email, mail or submitted in person at a Council Customer Service Centre.

In most instances a planning permit application fee will be required. This fee will vary depending on the type of application proposed. It is recommended that you contact Council's Planning Team on 5624 2411 before lodging an application if you are unsure of the correct fee.

Arboricultural Impact Assessments

You will need an Arboricultural Impact Assessment if your proposed works may have an impact on a tree, even if you are not planning to remove any trees as part of your application. Any trees that are close to the proposed works (within 15m) must be assessed by a qualified arborist. This includes any trees on neighbouring properties and on Council land such as roadsides and parks.  

An Arboricultural Assessment which is submitted as part of your application must prepared by someone who is suitably qualified and experienced in Arboriculture. 

The arborist preparing the assessment must be suitably qualified and experienced as per the Australian Standard for Protection of Trees on Development Sites (AS4970-2009).

The Arboricultural Impact Assessment should include the following information for each tree: 

  • A unique tree number or identifier 
  • A clear photo of the tree 
  • Botanic and common name 
  • Tree dimensions (height & spread) 
  • Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) measured at 1.4m from ground level. If the Arborist Report is supporting native vegetation removal, measurements at 1.3m is also required 
  • Diameter at Base (DAB) 
  • Health  
  • Structure 
  • Retention Value 
  • Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) and Structural Root Zone (SRZ) in metres 
  • Impact assessment of the proposed works on the trees. This assessment should reference the Australian Standards for the Protection of Trees on Development Sites (AS4970-2009) and include the % encroachment of the development on each tree 
  • Recommendations to reduce the impact of the proposed development on the impacted trees, if applicable 
  • Recommendations to protect trees during the development process 
  • A map showing the location of each tree, the identifying number, the TPZ and SRZ 
  • A map showing the location of the tree, the identifying number, the TPZ and SRZ overlayed with the proposed development  
  • Name and Qualifications of the Arborist including relevant risk assessment qualifications.  
  • Any other information required as determined by the Arborist.